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Arkansas Coyote season 2015-2016
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This site is dedicated to Coyote Hunting in Arkansas
Okay you hunters out there. The 2015 - 2016 Coyote season in Arkansas is well under way! It appears that there is an extremely high number of pups this fall. So sight in that rifle, charge up that call and get out there. Statistics suggest that we are heavily out numbered! Get out and enjoy the outdoors this hunting season, but always remember...
Canis Latrans (Coyote)
Cousin to the wolf, the coyote has become the dominate predator within the Continental U.S. over the last half-century. Reaking havoc within 49 of the 50 states due to a drastic decline in the furr trade industry, dating back to the mid 1980's. The predator caller/ hunter is a rare breed. Requiring the up-most in dedication and skill. Predator Hunting has become a "So called Black Sheep sport" within the hunting community. Although less popular than other forms of hunting, there is more to successful predator calling than just playing a tape and shooting what shows up!!!
AKA "Coyote Killer"
AKA "Coyote Killer"

Tip Of The Day
Early in the Fall season, I recommend when using an electronic call. "Adult Coyote Distress Cries"! Dennis Kirk Game Calls #DKP-122d. Is an excellent choice and has been highly effective for me.
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Get the ultimate advantage. Conceil yourself with a Ghillie Suit from X-treme Camoflage this hunting season.